#Rukun Islam ke-5

Salam! :)

So i have officially finished my end year exams but not with flying colours. Pretty sad huh. But i already got 2A's and are expecting more "kot". Whatever lah kan.. Exams are over so lets partayy! Lol.

Yesterday Khai Cees slept at maa house! Yaaaaaaaa she slept at maa house! She was so shy lalala idk why. Today we went to school likeaboss. I took my shower at 6.30 and fyi my school freaking far haha so we reached school at 7.45 liddat. So lucky tak kene tangkap.

So harini we had Kursus Haji. Altho musim haji dah lepas haha but sokayy no harm learning rite? And the result was like superawesome! Ustaz tu sangat best! Ustaz shared lots of his pengalaman at Mekkah. He has been doing Haji 7 years straight but this year dia kata dia he was on leave. He said he once met a guy who went to Mekkah everyweek to perform Friday prayers. Like u mean everyweak?! Ya Allah, that person... so lucky. Then ada lagi lah funny stories he told until menangis-menangis ketawa.. There was als like a Kaabah outside the dewan. Besar okay. Jap.. Haa see!

Superawesome kan? Haha then there were 5 models wearing the ihram and doing the tawaf. So cute and funny lols. But a good experience kan. 
Ya Allah, one day please invite to me to your home. I really wanna go. Really Ya Allah :')

So till then guys xoxo